Good News of Great Joy for All People


MESSAGE: Good News of Great Joy for All People

TEXT: Revelation 5:1–14

DATE: December 10, 2023

MESSAGE BY: Pastor Tim Lewis

  1. The scene: the throne room of heaven. (V. 1)
    (Rev. 4:2–11)

Artwork depicting the 4 living creatures around the throne of God.

The 4 Living Creatures

2. The scroll: the sealed legal document. (Vv. 1–2)
(Jer. 32:7–15)

Artistic depiction of the sealed scroll.

The Sealed Scroll

3. The question: who is worthy to open it? (V. 2)

4. The search: where is a worthy one? (V. 3)

5. The tears: inconsolable grief. (V. 4)

6. The conqueror: the victorious one is worthy. (Vv. 5–6)

A. He is the Lion of Judah.

The Lion of Judah

B. He is the descendent of David.

C. He is the Lamb of God.

Artistic depiction of the Lamb of God.

The Lamb of God

D. He is the one who died and rose again.

E. He is omnipotent.

F. He is omniscient.

7. The hope: He takes the scroll and carries out the plan of God. (V. 7)

8. The response: He is worthy of our worship. (V. 8)

9. The reason: He has accomplished what no one else could do! (Vv. 9-10)

A. “You were slain.”

B. “You purchased men from every tribe for God.”

C. “You have made us to reign.”

Tim Lewis

Tim has served as the senior pastor of Bethel for over 30 years. He is passionate about preaching the Gospel and loves this church dearly. Tim and his wife Cristie have four adult children and many grandchildren.


Let Heaven & Nature Sing


Hold Fast, He’s Our Hope