Wisdom From Above: Purity

: Purity
TEXT: James 3:13-18
MESSAGE BY: Pastor J Carr


  • Babel vs. Bethel

  • Moon vs. Sun


  • James. 3:17

  • Wisdom is first and foremost pure

  • What is purity?

    • James 1:27

      • Undefiled, unstained

    • Not only negative - mainly positive

      • James 4:8

        • “…To will one thing” and not be “double-minded”

    • But the negative is there

The World, The Flesh, & The Devil:

  • Classical music analogy

    • Classical music = sin

    • Orchestra (of Bach’s kids) = the flesh

    • Conductor/mayor = the devil

    • City of Vienna = the world

The Devil:

The World:

  • Fire at Beverly Hills supper club

    • Companions in complacency

    • Walter Bailey - courage and compassion

The Flesh:

  • Our bodies/desires dominated by sin

  • Horse and rider

  • Overcome in union with Jesus who overcame

  • Psalm 14:1 - practical atheism = foolishness

Positive Purity:

  • Beholding Glory and becoming whole

  • Radical recentering

Discussion questions:

What is purity?

  • What do you think of?

  • What is a negative vs. positive view of purity?

    • How might a purely negative understanding of purity be unhelpful?

How does the Devil seek to destroy us?

  • What kind of lies does he want you to believe?

  • What other lies do you see him deceiving people with?

  • How do you resist him?

How does the world’s opposition play out?

  • How are you tempted by it?

How does the flesh sabotage our souls?

  • In what ways directions does your horse (flesh) run off

    • How might you try to train it?

How do you understand how the world, the flesh, and the devil work together?

How can we mount a resistance?


Wisdom From Above: Peaceable, Gentle and Full of Mercy


Wisdom From Above: Meekness