What Kind of Life Are You Living?


MESSAGE: What Kind of Life Are You Living?

TEXT: Romans 6:19–23

MESSAGE BY: Pastor Tim Lewis

  1. Two pathways. (V. 19)
    (Matt. 7:13–14; Ps. 1)

    • Destruction and judgement.

    • Life and blessing.

  2. Two masters. (V. 19)
    (Rom. 6:14; Matt. 6:24)

    • Sin.

    • Righteousness.

  3. Two freedoms.

  4. Two returns.

  5. Two ends.

Take Away Questions:

  1. What is your personal relationship with Jesus Christ?

  2. What pathway are you on?

  3. Who rules your life?

  4. What kind of fruit are you bearing?

  5. What is the final destination of your life?

Tim Lewis

Tim has served as the senior pastor of Bethel for over 30 years. He is passionate about preaching the Gospel and loves this church dearly. Tim and his wife Cristie have four adult children and many grandchildren.


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