Did You Receive the Holy Spirit When You Believed?
MESSAGE: Did You Receive the Holy Spirit When You Believed?
TEXT: Acts 18:24–19:7
DATE: March 5, 2023
MESSAGE BY: Pastor Tim Lewis
The important case of Apollos. (Vv. 24–28)
He was a gifted teacher. (V. 24)
He was a Godly teacher. (V. 25)
He was a flawed teacher. (V. 25b)
He was an humble learner. (V. 26)
He became a powerful evangelist. (Vv. 27–28)
The troubling case of John’s disciples. (Vv. 19:1–7)
Paul’s diagnostic questions. (Vv. 1–4)
Paul’s corrective teaching.
The men’s dramatic conversion. (Vv. 5–7)
The personal case of our own lives.
Have you been born of the Spirit? (V. 2)
In whom or what are you trusting for salvation?
(Vv. 3–4; John 14:6; Acts 4:8–12)
Have you been baptized in the Name of Jesus?
(V. 5; Acts 2:38–41)
Is there evidence of the Holy Spirit in your life? (V. 6)
How is the Holy Spirit working in you?
He comforts us.
He convicts us. (John 16:7–8)
He guides us. (John 14:16–17)
He gifts us. (Eph. 4:7)
He bears fruit in us. (Gal. 5:22–23)
He gives us ministry power. (Acts 1:8)
He gives us security in our faith. (Rom. 8:16)