The Death of Death
MESSAGE: The Death of Death
TEXT: Hosea 14:1–9; 13:14
DATE: September 22, 2024
MESSAGE BY: Pastor Tim Lewis
The call for true repentance. (Vv. 1–3)
Awareness of the seriousness of sin. (V. 1)
Turning from specific sin. (V. 2)
(Nah. 3:1–3; Jonah 3:7–9)
The promise to restore. (V. 4)
He will heal their waywardness.
He will love them.
He will cause His people to prosper again. (Vv. 5–7)
He restores beauty.
He restores strength.
(Isa. 40:30–31)He restores value. (V. 6a)
(Matt. 25:21)He restores fragrance. (V. 6b)
(2 Cor. 2:14–15)He restores abundance. (V. 7)
(John 15:5; 10:10)
A commitment to reject idols. (V. 8)
(Isa. 42:8; 1 John 5:21)The Lord is God alone.
He alone is worthy of our worship.
Take Aways:
Does your life seem empty and hopeless?
Are you living faithfully and obediently to the Lord?
Are you repenting of sin and rebellion?
Are you experiencing abundant life?
Are you worshipping the Lord alone?