The Ritual of Circumcision and Justification – What is the Purpose of Religious Ritual?
MESSAGE: The Ritual of Circumcision and Justification – What is the Purpose of Religious Ritual?
TEXT: Romans 4:9–13
MESSAGE BY: Pastor Tim Lewis
It is a symbol of covenant promise. (Vv. 9–10)
When did God give the symbol?
(Gen. 15:2–6, 18; 17:1–7, 10–14)When did God give the promise?
It is a demonstration of obedient faith.
(Gen. 17:23–29)How did he prove his faith?
How are you proving your faith?
(Acts 2:38; 2:41; 3:19–20; 6:7; 22:16)
It is a mark of identity.
(Ex. 12:48; Josh. 5:2–9)It was a distinguishing mark.
It was a physical reminder.
It does not accomplish or complete your salvation.
(Rom. 4:10–12; Dt. 10:12–21)You are saved by grace.
You are saved through faith.
It is an outward rite that symbolizes an inward relationship.
(Jer. 9:25–26; Dt. 30:6; Rom. 2:28–29; Col. 2:9–11)All believers are to be baptized but not required to be circumcised.
(Gal. 5:1–6; Rom. 6:1–7)