The Ritual of Circumcision and Justification – What is the Purpose of Religious Ritual?


MESSAGE: The Ritual of Circumcision and Justification – What is the Purpose of Religious Ritual?

TEXT: Romans 4:9–13

MESSAGE BY: Pastor Tim Lewis

  1. It is a symbol of covenant promise. (Vv. 9–10)

  2. It is a demonstration of obedient faith.
    (Gen. 17:23–29)

  3. It is a mark of identity.
    (Ex. 12:48; Josh. 5:2–9)

    • It was a distinguishing mark.

    • It was a physical reminder.

  4. It does not accomplish or complete your salvation.
    (Rom. 4:10–12; Dt. 10:12–21)

    • You are saved by grace.

    • You are saved through faith.

  5. It is an outward rite that symbolizes an inward relationship.
    (Jer. 9:25–26; Dt. 30:6; Rom. 2:28–29; Col. 2:9–11)

  6. All believers are to be baptized but not required to be circumcised.
    (Gal. 5:1–6; Rom. 6:1–7

Tim Lewis

Tim has served as the senior pastor of Bethel for over 30 years. He is passionate about preaching the Gospel and loves this church dearly. Tim and his wife Cristie have four adult children and many grandchildren.


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