How Shall We Now Live? (Part 3) – Godly Instruments
MESSAGE: How Shall We Now Live? (Part 3) – Godly Instruments
TEXT: Romans 6:12–14
MESSAGE BY: Pastor Tim Lewis
Live free. (Vv. 12, 14)
(Rom. 6:16–18; Rom. 8:2, 12)Live holy. (V. 13)
(Rom. 6:16; 1 Pet. 1:14–16)Live loyally. (V. 13)
Do not present your body members to sin.
Do present your body members to God.
Our minds. (Rom. 12:1–2)
Our eyes and ears. (1 John 2:15–17; Josh. 7:21)
Our tongues. (James 3:5–6; Acts 1:8)
Our hands and feet. (1 Thes. 4:11–12; Eph. 4:28; Rom. 10:14–15)
We are at war. We are in a spiritual struggle with eternal consequences. Let’s live strong in His might!