Broken Pots and A Burdened Prophet
MESSAGE: Broken Pots and A Burdened Prophet
TEXT: Jeremiah 19:1–15; 20:1–2, 7–11, 14, 18
DATE: October 20, 2024
MESSAGE BY: Pastor Tim Lewis
Jeremiah’s message. (Vv. 19:3–5, 8, 10–11, 15)
Jeremiah’s suffering. (Vv. 20:1–2)
(Matt. 5:11–12; John 15:20–21; 1 Pet. 4:16–17, 19)Jeremiah’s complaint. (Vv. 20:7–8)
Jeremiah’s burden. (V. 20:9)
(1 Cor. 9:16; 1 Pet. 2:20–24)Jeremiah’s sorrow. (Vv. 20:14, 18)
(2 Cor. 4:1–11 NLT)
God has given you a message of truth and hope to tell others.
God’s truth will not always be popular.
You should expect some people to reject the message and even persecute you.
Many people will believe and turn to God.
God understands and comforts us in our sorrows.
God’s message shines brightly even through our frailty and brokenness.