God’s Exiled People: How to Live Rightly in a Foreign Land


MESSAGE: God’s Exiled People: How to Live Rightly in a Foreign Land

TEXT: Jeremiah 29:1–14

DATE: October 27, 2024

MESSAGE BY: Pastor Tim Lewis

  1. Trust in a sovereign God. (Vv. 1–4)

    1. God is working in His world. (Vv. 4, 7)
      (Jer. 27:5–7)

    2. God is working for your good.
      (Rom. 8:28; Rom. 5:3–5; James 1:2–3; Eph. 1:11–12)

  2. Understand who you are. (V. 10)
    (Hosea 11:1–3; Ex. 19:4)

    1. You are not forgotten.

    2. You are not forsaken.

    3. You are called and loved.

    4. You are being corrected.
      (Jer. 2:19; Heb. 12:6–11)

  3. Invest your energy in what is most important. (Vv. 5–6)

    1. Establish your homes.

    2. Work with your hands.

    3. Educate your children.
      (Deut. 6:4–9) (See also 6:10–25)

  4. Engage your community. (V. 7a)
    (Rom. 13:1–10)

  5. Intercede for the people and leaders. (V. 7b)
    (1 Tim. 2:1–6)

  6. Reject false leaders. (Vv. 8–10)

  7. Imagine the future the Lord will bring to us! (Vv. 10–14)

    1. Restoration.

    2. Revival.

    3. Rejoicing.
      (Rev. 21:1–5)


  1. Are you trusting in the Lord even during difficult days?

  2. How are you prioritizing your life today?

  3. Are you investing in the next generation?

  4. Are you praying for lost people?

  5. How do you see your future in God’s promises?

Tim Lewis

Tim has served as the senior pastor of Bethel for over 30 years. He is passionate about preaching the Gospel and loves this church dearly. Tim and his wife Cristie have four adult children and many grandchildren.


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