Worship in the Garden-City
MESSAGE: Worship in the Garden-City
TEXT: Revelation 22:1-5
MESSAGE BY: Pastor J Carr
The Garden-City
Jesus on worship
Untethered from outward ritual/place
Further emphasized the heart
Worship is all of life
So, why gather for “worship”?
Enacting our hope
The Already-Not Yet
We are Met, Marked, Centered, and Sustained
Met & Marked
United by being his and being with him
He really is among us but will be among us in even greater way
Purely devoted (undiluted, undivided)
The sun is a shadow, Christ is the substance
God’s first words: let there be light (double meaning!)
v. 4 - see his face (1 Tim. 6:16 - unapproachable light?)
The tree of life
From many to one, why?
v.3 “no longer anything ACCURSED”
Lord’s supper - eating of Christ’s life