An Introduction
MESSAGE: An Introduction
TEXT: Romans 1:1–7
MESSAGE BY: Pastor Tim Lewis
It is a letter. (Vv. 1, 7)
It is a theological statement.
How to be made right with a Holy God.
How to live right among people before Holy God.
It is significant.
An overview.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Rom. 1:1–17)
The wrath of God. (Rom. 1:18–3:20)
The grace of God. (Rom. 3:21–8:39)
The life in the spirit. (Rom. 8)
The elective plan of God and Israel. (Rom. 9–11)
The will of God in our relationships. (Rom. 12:1–15:13)
Paul’s travel plans and greetings. (Rom. 15:14–16:27)
The Gospel in Romans.
All of us have sinned. (Rom. 3:10–12, 23)
All of us are under God’s righteous judgement. (Rom. 3:19–20)
The wages of sin is death. (Rom. 6:23a)
You cannot save yourself. (Rom. 3:20, 28)
God has demonstrated His love for us. (Rom. 5:6, 8)
God has provided an atonement for our sin through Jesus’ death. (Rom. 3:24)
God’s gift of grace is eternal life. (Rom. 6:23b; Rom. 5:15–17)
You must believe in Jesus and confess Him as Lord. (Rom. 10:9–10)